Saturday, 25th January 2025

Publication Integrity & Ethics (PIE) was developed over a decade ago to address several areas of concern and promote real editorial freedom.Read more.


Disclaimer - P.I.E. Research Guidelines

PIE Highlights
You are invited to join the Publication Integrity and Ethics as one of its founding members. PIE offers free membership to all interested individuals. Read more.
As an Editor-in-Chief Member you will play a central role in shaping the organisation; you will benefit from the many and varied facilities the P.I.E. Read more.
The Publication Integrity and Ethics intends to publish a special peer-reviewed periodical that will publish short debate articles in science. Read more.

This disclaimer is related to the following documents:

These guidelines have been examined through iThenticate (Professional Plagiarism Prevention) on Wed 25th Dec 2013 at 12:04pm PST and the results showed less than 1% similarity with the world’s literature. Please see a screen capture of the “outcome”, “match overview” and “all sources” of the evaluation process. This minimal similarity can be related to the use of common terminology/in-house based terms.

Furthermore, all the guidelines were checked using Grammarly and all results revealed that the text is original.

We will ensure that any set of new and/or revised guidelines produced by the Publication Integrity & Ethics (ᴫ) are examined by at least 2 plagiarism prevention engines to ensure independency and transparency.

Examined documents

Our authors have examined several documents at the time of writing the contents of the Publication Integrity & Ethics website and its guidelines. Hence, it is natural that we include the list of these documents as our references. Please see the list.

UK Copyright Service

To protect our work, we have carried out copyright registration of all the current PIE Guidelines and Code of Conduct with the UK Copyright Service. All the six documents are now registered under the title of “P.I.E. Guidelines (Research)” - registration number 284676651. Further information is provided here. Download certificate here.


We acknowledge, and are thankful for, the support of {English language} specialist Sandy Eifion-Jones in improving the standard of English on this website.

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