Month: February 2016
Excerpt from the P.I.E. Guidelines for Authors – Conflicts of interest
1 Authors’ relationship with the editors and publishers must always be founded on the principle of editorial independence and freedom. They must signal any problem related to their independence or publisher involvement in the editorial decision, whether it is a personal, political, or a commercial request. 2 If intentionally misleading information is proffered when writing […]
Excerpt from the P.I.E. Guidelines for Authors – Standards of consistency
1 Authors must certify that all reports and articles are informative, fair, accurate, and well balanced before submission. Any incongruities should be thoroughly checked and certified, and specialist advice sought should it be deemed necessary. 2 Inconvenient or conflicting data must not be omitted for the expedience of the author’s proposition or discourse. 3 Authors […]
Excerpt from the P.I.E. Guidelines for Authors 2
The effects of bad practice impinge not only on the integrity of the publishing industry, they can have unforeseen consequences on future researchers, authors, and even on society itself. PIE guidelines aim to succinctly characterise, define, and promote the ethical responsibility of those operating in the publishing sector. The following measures are to assist individuals […]
Excerpt from the P.I.E. Guidelines for Authors 1
• All published material must be scrutinised under strict quality guidelines by the author, ensuring the integrity and standard of the work is consistent throughout. • Information included in the final, published version should be free from bias, data manipulation, and deliberate misinformation, having been sourced in an ethical and legal manner by the author. […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Complaints referred to PIE
1. Whereby an individual carries concerns about breaching of the ethical editorial guidelines, a complaint may be formulated by submission of PIE’s complaint forms. A complaint may be raised by editors, authors, publishers, readers or peer-reviewers. 2. Before asking the sub-committee of the PIE council for a proper investigation and resolution, the problem must, in […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Journal owners and publishers
1. Editors’ relationship with their publishers or journal owners must be always based on the principles of editorial independence. 2. The decision on what subjects are of interest for the readers and which articles should be published has to be based on quality, accuracy and informative character and not on political, financial or other immediate […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Dealing with complaints
1. When dealing with complaints from third parties, editors must follow the proper channels of communication as certified by PIE; reasonable expediency in response to complainants should be ensured and immediate action taken to rectify the highlighted errors. 2. Editors have a duty of responsibility to take swift action if they suspect misconduct or ethical […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Authors, editors and peer-reviewers
1. Editors are required to guide the staff serving under them in the methodology for best practice. They should also advise the individual reviewers too, by constantly updating them about the desired level of expectation of their work and ethics. 2. Unless the publication has an open review system, the identity of the reviewers must […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Editors and authors
1. As direct managers of the editorial team, editors must guarantee quality of the materials accepted for publishing is informative in nature. 2. They should evaluate the texts with emphasis on originality, transparency and relevance and not by personal means. 3. Objectivity is one of the required qualities of an editor. Therefore, if peer-reviews were […]
Excerpt from the General P.I.E. Guidelines – Responsibilities and duties of the editors ginger tea recipe for cold
1. According to the ginger honey drink and the ethical principles and the lemon honey tea and the PIE Guidelines for the benefits of lemon ginger tea and the publishing sector, all editors are responsible for all material published in their journals or other types of lemon honey recipe and of media with which they […]