Category: Pharmaceuticals

  • Gene therapy: ‘Tame HIV’ used to cure disease

    Gene therapy: ‘Tame HIV’ used to cure disease

    A pioneering treatment to correct errors in DNA, has transformed the lives of six boys with a deadly genetic disease, doctors declare. For people suffering Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), a defective immune system leaves people susceptible to infections and bleeding. A British and French study, published in JAMA, has used tamed HIV to correct the irregularities. […]

  • Ebola death toll: are we doing enough?

    Ebola death toll: are we doing enough?

    Since March this year, over 3500 people in western Africa have been affected by the Ebola virus, with over 1,800 people suffering fatalities. The virus, which is contagious, has affected the countries of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone in this most recent outbreak. Discovered in 1976, the causes for Ebola are not clearly […]

  • GlaxoSmithKline faces criminal investigation for allegations of bribery…are large enterprises untouchable?

    GlaxoSmithKline faces criminal investigation for allegations of bribery…are large enterprises untouchable?

    GlaxoSmithKline faces criminal investigations… In an era where large companies control the majority of the different markets, the potential for serious crimes within such organisations are an unmeasured quantity. When a multi-billion pound company is guilty of wrongdoing, it is often on a massive level. So are the punishments they receive working as a deterrent? […]