Category: Third world

  • World Hunger: Crisis and a plan of action

    World Hunger: Crisis and a plan of action

    According to UN food and agriculture agencies, the number of hungry people in the world has fallen over the past decade. However, the number still stands at 805 million, a figure representing one ninth of the global population. Some countries have been able to improve their domestic figures, but the number of undernourished people is […]

  • The death of 43 missing Mexican students

    The death of 43 missing Mexican students

    On the 26th September this year, 43 student teachers travelled to the town of Iguala, Mexico to raise funds, and disappeared after violent clashes with municipal police. In the six weeks following that day, evidence has been unearthed to prove that police, the mayor, and gang members were all involved in the mass kidnapping. On […]

  • Climate change: an urgent need to act

    Climate change: an urgent need to act

    Climate change has become a global issue and residents of countries across the world are beginning to stand up and voice their opinions on perceived lack of action. The constant back and forth between world superpowers over the issue turned it in to a problem that many governments are too willing to place far down […]

  • Ebola death toll: are we doing enough?

    Ebola death toll: are we doing enough?

    Since March this year, over 3500 people in western Africa have been affected by the Ebola virus, with over 1,800 people suffering fatalities. The virus, which is contagious, has affected the countries of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone in this most recent outbreak. Discovered in 1976, the causes for Ebola are not clearly […]

  • Tony Blair: False information and war

    Tony Blair: False information and war

    Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ‘Middle East Peace Envoy’, has urged the government to take action in Iraq or face terror attacks on British soil. These comments sound strikingly familiar as the legacy of 2003’s invasion is highlighted by mass-killing in the Middle East. Indeed, the former PM sent tens […]

  • HIFA2015: to achieve goals – more support is required

    HIFA2015: to achieve goals – more support is required

    “Our shared vision is a world where people are no longer dying for lack of healthcare knowledge.” Statement on HIFA2015 website. HIFA2015 (Healthcare Information for All by 2015) is a global network of more than 10,000 members which aims to improve the availability of lifesaving information in developing nations. Based in the United Kingdom, HIFA2015 […]

  • Educating women in the third world: what is the socio-economic impact?

    Educating women in the third world: what is the socio-economic impact?

    Educating women is purported to be one of the most valuable investments a developing country can make. Research has found that nations that educate girls to the same degree as boys benefit from longer life expectancies, lower birth rates and higher economic growth. Evidence also shows that educating girls reduces child malnutrition rates and lowers […]