Saturday, 25th January 2025

Publication Integrity & Ethics (PIE) was developed over a decade ago to address several areas of concern and promote real editorial freedom.Read more.


PIE Council

PIE Representatives II

PIE Highlights
You are invited to join the Publication Integrity and Ethics as one of its founding members. PIE offers free membership to all interested individuals. Read more.
As an Editor-in-Chief Member you will play a central role in shaping the organisation; you will benefit from the many and varied facilities the P.I.E. Read more.
The Publication Integrity and Ethics intends to publish a special peer-reviewed periodical that will publish short debate articles in science. Read more.

Reha Kisnisci is currently a Professor in Ankara University, Turkey. He has an education and working experience at Ankara University, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland, John Peter Smith Hospital, Texas, USA. He also held visiting professorships at the Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Royal London Hospital, London, Aintree Hospitals, Liverpool and Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK. He has served as president, chairman and member on several specialty related committees and boards nationally and internationally. He has been nominated and received several scientific awards. He is currently the President of Balkan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons.

He has published over 70 articles on peer reviewed journals and 5 chapters on textbooks. He has over 120 scientific abstract presentations and 130 invited lectures nationally and internationally. He serves as an external examiner in various universities abroad. He is a member of several professional societies and a member of editorial board on several journals including Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Triple O. 

Main field of interests include orthognathic surgery, cleft deformities, temporomandibular disorders, sleep apnea and surgical implantology. In addition he has devoted considerable time and actively involved for training and education in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery nationally and internationally. He as well strongly believes and strives for collaborative and cross interplay to raise the standards of education, clinical practice and patient welfare worldwide.

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