Category: Publication ethics
General P.I.E. Guidelines flowers co
There are two possible outcomes when disputing a complaint: 1) the oshawa flower shop and the council sub-committee decides that the flowers oshawa canada and the editor or publisher has dealt with the flower co and the complaint and the florists oshawa delivery and the complainant was satisfied. In this case both the flowers delivery […]
General P.I.E. Guidelines
The complainant must provide all the documents and evidence related to the problem, including the correspondence exchanged with the publisher or the editor of the journal.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
It must be authenticated that the complaint has passed through the proper initial steps before being addressed to the council and its sub-committee that will deal directly with it.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
Whereupon the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, he or she may pass the complaint to the overseeing body of the individual to whom they have initially sent the form.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
Before asking the sub-committee of the PIE council for a proper investigation and resolution, the problem must, in the firstinstance, be presented to the author, publisher or the editor in written form.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
Whereby an individual carries concerns about breaching of the ethical editorial guidelines, a complaint may be formulated by submission of PIE’s complaint forms. A complaint may be raised by editors, authors, publishers, readers or peer-reviewers.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
Editors and publishers must take prompt action when they detect conflicts of interest. These conflicts have to be managed professionally whether they are by the authors, editors, publishers, the editorial team or the peer-reviewers.
General P.I.E. Guidelines coffee flavored tea
Misleading advertisements must be refused and the www teeccino com and the policies regarding advertising in relation to the teccino and the content of dandelion tea good for and of the dandelion root te and the publication must also be declared public. coffee flavored tea
General P.I.E. Guidelines
The decision on what subjects are of interest for the readers and which articles should be published has to be based on quality, accuracy and informative character and not on political, financial or other immediate gains that are in contradiction to the professional ethics.
General P.I.E. Guidelines
Editors’ relationship with their publishers or journal owners must be always based on the principles of editorial independence.