Wednesday, 12th February 2025

Publication Integrity & Ethics (PIE) was developed over a decade ago to address several areas of concern and promote real editorial freedom.Read more.



PIE Highlights
You are invited to join the Publication Integrity and Ethics as one of its founding members. PIE offers free membership to all interested individuals. Read more.
As an Editor-in-Chief Member you will play a central role in shaping the organisation; you will benefit from the many and varied facilities the P.I.E. Read more.
The Publication Integrity and Ethics intends to publish a special peer-reviewed periodical that will publish short debate articles in science. Read more.



- Tim Reeves talks about “Publication Integrity and Ethics” -

- Charles Rosen talks about “Association for Medical Ethics” -




PIE is a non-profit organisation whose main purpose is to give guidance to individuals and other organisations that are active in the publishing sector, or related to the ethical code of conduct for editors, publishers, reviewers and authors.

PIE will also become directly involved in the publication environment by maintaining a good and ethical editorial conduct through its guidelines and the code of conduct.

The Council, as the governing body of the organisation will mediate disputes and help parties reach a resolution in conflicts related to a breach in the code or any other editorial misconduct that falls within its duty.

Other purposes of PIE are:

-    To advance knowledge relevant to the code of ethical editorial conduct
-    To promote the code of conduct and its guidelines to all members whether they are affiliates, editors-in-chief or council members with voting rights
-    To engage in lawful activities incidental to any of the foregoing purposes of the Publication Integrity and Ethics organisation.

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