Wednesday, 12th February 2025

Publication Integrity & Ethics (PIE) was developed over a decade ago to address several areas of concern and promote real editorial freedom.Read more.



PIE Highlights
You are invited to join the Publication Integrity and Ethics as one of its founding members. PIE offers free membership to all interested individuals. Read more.
As an Editor-in-Chief Member you will play a central role in shaping the organisation; you will benefit from the many and varied facilities the P.I.E. Read more.
The Publication Integrity and Ethics intends to publish a special peer-reviewed periodical that will publish short debate articles in science. Read more.



- Tim Reeves talks about “Publication Integrity and Ethics” -

- Charles Rosen talks about “Association for Medical Ethics” -




Constitution and Bylaws of Publication Integrity & Ethics

Article 1: The PIE organisation and its purposes
Section 1: The name of this organisation shall be the “Publication Integrity & Ethics”, hereafter referred to as P.I.E. or PIE.
Section 2: The “Publication Integrity & Ethics” has not been formed for profit or financial gain and shall not be conducted for the purpose of obtaining profit. No part of the earnings and assets of the organisation are distributable or shall enure to the benefit of the members of PIE or other individuals, except to the extent permitted under the Not-for-Profit Organisation Law.
Section 3: No member of the Publication Integrity & Ethics and no other private person shall be entitled to any division or distribution of the organisation’s remaining properties upon its dissolution. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the manager of the Publication Integrity & Ethics (UK) Ltd.
Section 4: PIE is a non-profit organisation whose main purpose is to give guidance to individuals and other organisations that are active in the publishing sector, related to the ethical code of conduct for editors, publishers, reviewers and authors. PIE will also be involved directly in the publication environment by maintaining a good and ethical editorial conduct through its Guidelines and the Code of Conduct. The Council, as the governing body of the organisation will mediate disputes and help parties reach a resolution in conflicts related to a breach in the Code or any other editorial misconduct that falls within its duty. Other purposes of PIE are:
-    To advance knowledge relevant to the code of ethical editorial conduct.
-    To promote the Code of Conduct and its Guidelines to all its members whether they are affiliates, editors-in-chief or council members with voting rights.
-    To engage in any and all lawful activities incidental to any of the foregoing purposes of the Publication Integrity & Ethics organisation.
Section 5: No substantial part of the activities of the PIE organisation shall consist of carrying out propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organisation shall not participate in, or intervene in any political matters.
Section 6: The organisation is to have members and adherents.
Section 7: The Publication Integrity & Ethics organisation is to be divided into such classes of members as the Bylaws provide and clearly specifies in article 2, Section 1. The designation of each class of members, and the qualification and rights of the members of each class (including conferring, limiting, or denying the right to vote) shall be set forth in these Bylaws.

Article 2: Membership
Section1: Classes and qualifications. The Council, as the governing body of PIE shall determine and set forth the terms, qualifications and other conditions for each class of membership. The Publication Integrity & Ethics will register the following classes of members:
1. Affiliates: Affiliates shall consist of those individuals who are involved with the publishing sector but choose not to be registered as official representatives of a journal or they may not be. Students and other persons who have interest in the publishing work may become affiliates as well. Usually, this category comprises of authors, peer-reviewers, editorial board members (not editors-in-chief).
1.1 Qualifications for affiliate membership: Any individual applicant for an active membership must agree with the Code of Conduct and the PIE’s Guidelines. Affiliates shall have voting rights and free access to all the information and the tools available on organisation’s website.
2. Editors-in-Chiefs: Individual members associated with journals and represent the view and the official voice of the journal for which they lead. Usually this category comprises editors-in-chief only. When approved, the “Journal” will be accepted as a member of PIE and referred to as "PIE Journal".
2.1 Qualifications for editor-in-chief membership: Any representative of a journal who is an applicant for the active membership must agree with the Code of Conduct and the PIE’s Guidelines. Editors-in-Chief shall have voting rights and free access to all the information and the tools available on organisation’s website
3. Adherents: The PIE Council does not provide membership for publishers; however they can join as adherents to the P.I.E.. As an adherent, the publisher is aware of the Code of Conduct and the PIE Guidelines and choose to follow them. The publisher may also follow its own existing code of conduct and ethical guidelines. Adherents have no voting rights but have full access to all facilities.
4. Council members: Council members shall consist of all the members of the PIE who are active members of the Council, the governing body of the organisation.
Section 2: Voting rights. The PIE Council has a chairman and two vice-chairmen. As the governing body of “Publication Integrity and Ethics” organisation, the Council includes 30 members who vote democratically and anonymously on any issue related to the publishing sector. Only members of the Council shall have the right to vote on any issue related to the organisational activity and the complaints investigated under its supervision. Other classes of members may attend meetings, formulate complaints and use the PIE’s website as a source of information and may vote in the general elections.
Section 3: Membership/Council meetings. Members of the Council will meet regularly upon such date, time and place as the Council shall determine. During their regular meetings, voting members shall have the right to vote on the following matters only: approval of any amendments to the Bylaws that may be proposed by members of the organisation, approval for investigation and mediation for members’ complaints against other members, resolution of disputes between members and the acceptance of new members and adherents.
Special meetings of the members may be called by the Council or upon request of 75 percent of the voting members. Members shall receive not less than 2 days prior written notice of special meetings.
Section 4: Quorum and Voting: Each member of the Council in good standing shall have one vote at any meeting of the members. A quorum shall consist of 100 percent of the total voting members present in person (online or offline, according to the Council’s decision). A majority of the votes cast at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the action of the members in any matter that falls in their duty.
Section 5: Removal. Any member or adherent may be removed from Publication Integrity & Ethics member's or adherent's list by a majority vote of the Council or one of its Sub-Committees only for cause, which is defined as failure to comply with the PIE Guidelines and/or the Code of Conduct, or any subsequent breaches and failure to comply with the Council’s rulings in matters related to other members and adherents complaints against them.
Section 6: Privileges of Members. All members shall have the same rights and privileges.
Section 7: Rights and Duties of Members: Any active member shall have all the rights of a full membership of the Publication Integrity & Ethics organisation, shall be subject to all the duties, roles and responsibilities.
Section 8: Atypical Member. Unless excused by the Council, an atypical member shall be dropped from membership.

Article 3: Governing Body

Section 1: Composition of the Council. The Council shall consist of active members of the organisation. There shall be a Council of 30 members.
Section 2: Powers. Members of the Council shall supervise and control the activity and affairs of the Publication Integrity & Ethics organisation. The Council acts as the governing body of the organisation, its 30 members being coequal in ranks and positions who vote democratically and anonymously on any issue related to the publishing sector.
Section 3: First Council. The members of the first Council of the organisation shall serve until their successors are elected. Thereafter, the new Council of the Publication Integrity & Ethics shall be composed of 30 individuals, no more or less.
Section 4: Elections and Term in Office. All members of the new Council shall be elected by the voting members at the general elections. Council members shall serve for a term of three years.
Section 5: Resignation. Any member of the Council may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Council. Any resignation will take effect at the time specified therein, or, if no time is specified, at the time of acceptance thereof as determined by the Council.
Section 6: Removal. Any member of the Council may be released from his/her duties, with proper cause, by two-thirds vote of the 30 voting members at any regular or special meeting called expressly for that purpose.
Section 7: Meetings. Special meetings of the Council may be called by a majority of the voting members; to be held at such time, day, and place as shall be designated in the notice of the meeting.
Section 8: Notice. Notice of the time, day, and place of any meeting of the members of the Council shall be given to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting and in the proper manner set forth in Section 1 of Article 5. If a special meeting is called, the purpose of such meeting must be stated in the notice. Any member of the Council may waive notice of any meeting by a written statement executed either before or after the meeting. Attendance and participation at a meeting without objection to notice shall also constitute a waiver of notice.
Section 9: Quorum. A majority of the members of the Council, then in office, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Council.
Section 10: Manner of Acting. Except as otherwise expressly required by law, the affirmative vote of a majority of the council members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Council. Each member shall have one vote.
Section 11: Conflicts of Interest. In the case when a Council member cannot be impartial due to a financial or non-financial conflicts of interest, the member shall inform the Council as to the circumstances of such conflict. The Council shall make the final decision as to whether any voting member has a conflict of interest or not.
Section 12: Issuing Reports. The Council shall report to all the active PIE members and adherents, at regular times, all decisions and recommendations.
Section 13: Council members shall not receive compensation for their services to PIE, but expenses may be allowed for attendance at meetings of the Council.

Article 4: Committees
Section 1: Committee of the voting members shall comprise of all the 30 voting members of the Council. The Council acts as governing body of Publication Integrity & Ethics organization.
Section 2: Other committees. The Council may create and appoint members to such other committees or sub-committees as they shall consider appropriate. Such shall have the power and duties designated by the Council. At the time of writing this document, 3 Sub-Committees were formed: (1) Complaints: deals with the complaints submitted by the members and adherents, (2) Education: supervises the courses that are hosted by the PIE website free of charge, (3) Membership: deals with the membership applications.

Article 5: Miscellaneous provisions
Section 1: Notice. Whenever a notice is required to be given to a member of the Council or another member or adherent of the PIE organization, such notice shall be given in writing by e-mail to such person at his/her official e-mail address as it appears on the membership sign-up form.

Article 6: Amendments to Bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended or new bylaws may be adopted upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the Council at any regular or special meeting of the members. The notice of the meeting shall set forth a summary of the proposed amendments and all other members must be informed about the outcome of the vote, especially in case the bylaws are amended with new articles and sections or the articles suffer modifications.

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